Home Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey, Chelsea Hotel No. 2: video ufficiale, audio e testo

Lana Del Rey, Chelsea Hotel No. 2: video ufficiale, audio e testo

Guarda il nuovo video di Lana Del Rey, Chelsea Hotel no 2

pubblicato 28 Marzo 2013 aggiornato 16 Ottobre 2020 16:18


Lana Del Rey ha appena rilascio il video ufficiale di Chelsea Hotel No 2, cover del brano di Leonard Cohen scritto dall’autore per Janis Joplin.

Un pezzo che non si allontana dallo stile musicale della cantante e che viene reinterpretato malinconicamente. Non è chiaro il progetto che si accompagna all’uscita di questo pezzo, se sia un omaggio ai fan, un primo passo verso un nuovo futuro album o sia legato al film “Il Grande Gatsby”, colonna sonora nella quale è compresa anche lei.

Intanto qui sotto potete vedere video ufficiale e leggere il testo

    I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
    you were talking so brave and so sweet,
    giving me head on the unmade bed,
    while the limousines wait in the street.
    Those were the reasons and that was New York,
    we were running for the money and the flesh.
    And that was called love for the workers in song
    probably still is for those of them left.

    Ah but you got away, didn’t you babe,
    you just turned your back on the crowd,
    you got away, I never once heard you say,
    I need you, I don’t need you,
    I need you, I don’t need you
    and all of that jiving around.

    I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel
    you were famous, your heart was a legend.
    You told me again you preferred handsome men
    but for me you would make an exception.
    And clenching your fist for the ones like us
    who are oppressed by the figures of beauty,
    you fixed yourself, you said, “Well never mind,
    we are ugly but we have the music.”

    And then you got away, didn’t you babe…

    I don’t mean to suggest that I loved you the best,
    I can’t keep track of each fallen robin.
    I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
    that’s all, I don’t even think of you that often.

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